A British Let's Player
- About Me
A Let's Player is someone who provides commentary over a video game and tries to influence others that they are also taking part.​​ It's identical to a director that creates a movie and makes the audience feel part of the experience.
Generally my Let's Play archive will be on YouTube, I will not upload anywhere else.​​​
YouTube is a ​video-sharing website. Originally an LP was based on uploading pictures of the game from their playthrough and posting it on a web forum. The most popular was LParchive.
A Let's Play is when narration is used along with video game footage of the same person playing. This may involve other members that LP or anyone the person that does LPs knows in their daily life.

I am inexperienced as a Let's Player, however I feel I can overcome this ​​​​and I hope to give this my best shot. My influences or YouTube Let's Players I have watched and piqued interest in are as follows:
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Please check those other guys out if you haven't done so already as in my opinion, they are brilliant to watch and make what they do fun which is something I hope I can do.
Kikoskia                                      Necroscope86

Chuggaaconroy                          PewDiePie

ProtonJonSA                               Helloween4545

666theheartless666                    ​​​OfficialNerdCubed
2013 | Mattios1UK | YouTube Let's Player